Suz Ballout, a hilarious Chicago comedian joins Amber and Melanie in their brand-new studio space for a hilarious and enlightening episode. Suz has had an experience unlike any that an American can relate to and that is being a child in the middle of a war in your homeland. She talks about that experience and dives into what it’s like being the child of conservative Middle Eastern parents who have drastically different ideologies.
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Suz Ballout - The Experience Of War, Culture + Comedy
Jan 07, 2025
I’m Fine, It’s Fine
Nashville-based comedian Amber Autry and Trauma Therapist Melanie Reese host guest comedians to provide a platform and connection to the stories behind the laughter.
Laughter is a universal language, and comedians speak it well. Their ability to make people laugh directly influences to the success of their career. The humanity of their personal lives is often the source of the comic relief, adding to the lack of conversation around mental health.
Through their unique story telling abilities, amazing humor and vulnerability, we think we've started a much-needed conversation that will resonate with humanity.
Nashville-based comedian Amber Autry and Trauma Therapist Melanie Reese host guest comedians to provide a platform and connection to the stories behind the laughter.
Laughter is a universal language, and comedians speak it well. Their ability to make people laugh directly influences to the success of their career. The humanity of their personal lives is often the source of the comic relief, adding to the lack of conversation around mental health.
Through their unique story telling abilities, amazing humor and vulnerability, we think we've started a much-needed conversation that will resonate with humanity.Listen on
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